Links to other Quaker websites

Rochester Meeting’s Facebook page
Quaker Finder (finds Quaker meetings in N. America)
Short, engaging video interviews on topics QuakerSpeak
Multitudes of information on Quakers
Multitudes of information geared toward non-Friends Quaker Information Center
Powell House, a Quaker retreat center near Albany, NY
Quaker radio broadcasts on-line Northern Spirit Radio
Quaker bookstore QuakerBooks of Friends General Conference

Larger groups Rochester Friends Meeting is part of:

Farmington-Scipio Regional Meeting

Map of meetings in New York Yearly Meeting

New York Yearly Meeting

Friends General Conference (FGC), an organization of yearly meetings in the US and Canada that are primarily unprogrammed, including New York Yearly Meeting

Friends United Meeting (FUM), a wold-wide organization of yearly meetings that are primarily programmed, mostly in the US and east Africa

Friends World Committee for Consultation (FWCC), an organization that brings all Quakers together

Quaker Service & Advocacy Groups
American Friends Service Committee
Friends Committee on National Legislation (a Quaker lobby in Washington, DC)
Quaker Earthcare Witness